Audrey Bienfait

ENS Lyon

Tuesday 19th January 16:00 – 16:40 CET


Quantum state transfer and interferometry using surface-acoustic-wave phonons

By Audrey Bienfait

CNRS researcher, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France


Heavily used in classical signal processing, surface acoustic waves (SAWs) have also been proposed as a means to coherently couple distant solid-state quantum systems. Several groups have already reported the coherent coupling of standing SAWs modes to superconducting qubits opening the door to the control and detection of quantum phonon states. In this talk, I will present our recent progress in coupling superconducting qubits to propagating SAWs. We can controllably release and capture individual itinerant photons, demonstrating quantum state transfer as well as remote entanglement generation between superconducting qubits using phonons. Going a step further, I will show how two-phonon entanglement can also be generated and used to realize a fundamental quantum optics experiment, quantum erasure, also using phonons.


Audrey Bienfait joined the physics lab of ENS Lyon as a CNRS researcher in 2019 after a post-doct in the group of Andrew Cleland at the University of Chicago, where she coupled remote superconducting qubits using traveling phonons and realized acoustic interferometry experiments. Her current research interests are superconducting circuits, electronic spins, and various microwave transduction schemes.

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